E-969, LGF, Chittranjan Park, New Delhi – 110019

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Most exciting applications of

technology to the life sciences

Rules & Regulation of Society

1. Name of The Society :

Name of the Society shall be: “THE SIMULATION SOCIETY”.

2. Membership :

2.1 Life Member:

The Membership shall be of following categories:- 2.1 Life Member:

  1. Members of the medical profession with the following post graduate degrees as approved by the executive committee of the SOCIETY:
  2. DM ( Cardiology ), DNB ( Cardiology )
  3. MD/DNB ( Medicine/Pediatrics/Critical Care, Anaesthesia, Cardiac Anaesthesia, Emergency Medicine, Trauma and pulmonology )
  4. MCH/DNB ( Cardiothoracic surgery)
  5. Cardiac Anesthetists
  6. MRCP/FRCP/American Board Certified Cardiologist
  7. Post Graduate Diploma in Clinical Cardiology (PGDCC)

2.2 Technician Life Membership:

Recognized technicians in simulation as certified by the Head of the Department and approved by credential and the executive committee. They will not be entitled to hold any office will be regarded as nonvoting associated members.

2.3 Associate Member:

  • a) MBBS
  • b) All other members of the other simulation societies, not eligible under Article IV (a) including foreigners with medical degrees if approved by the credential and executive committee. They will not be entitled to hold office.

2.4 Corporate Member/ Academic partner:

Any recognized public or private company or firm, if approved by the executive committee. The corporate member will be entitled to receive all the publications of the academy, but will not be entitled to propose, second or hold any office.

3. Application For Membership :

3.1 Request for membership

Request for membership shall be made on forms prescribed by the The Simulation Society. These will be scrutinized and approved by the credential committee comprising of the President, General Secretary and President Elect. The application forms, in original, shall be accompanied by documentary evidence of eligibility including registration certificate and prescribed fees.

3.2 Membership Fee:

3.2.1 Life Member: Onetime payment of Rs. 5,000/-

3.2.2 Associate Member: Onetime payment of Rs. 3,000/-

3.2.3 Corporate Member: Onetime payment of Rs. 1, 00,000/-

3.2.4 The membership fee will be subject to review as and when required. Any changes in the membership fee will be discussed and passed in the Executive Committee and presented in the next general body meeting for approval.

3.2.5 Eligible persons may become Associate Members of the SOCIETY without becoming members of the IAE, though they must be encouraged to become members of the parent body. Upon joining the parent body as a life member, their membership of the SOCIETY can be converted to a full Life Membership.

3.2.6 Membership of SOCIETY should not be considered as license to practice simulation.

3.3 Register of Membership :

A record of membership containing their names, postal addresses, e-mail address, relevant telephone and fax numbers shall be maintained by the Secretariat at the headquarters in a soft/hard copy as “TSS Directory”. Any change in the address shall be notified to the HQ. A complete list of the members with their addresses shall be made available at website of society for information of all members.

4. Privileges Of Members:

Membership of the SOCIETY should not be considered as license to practice Simulation

4.1 Life Members:

The members shall have the privilege to attend and take part in all the general meetings, conferences, lectures, discussions and demonstrations. They would also receive a free/web copy of the scientific publications and newsletter. They can propose or second any application for membership of SOCIETY.

4.2 Associate Members:

They have all the privileges as in Article V1 (a) but cannot apply for any post in the executive committee.

4.3 Technician Membership:

The members shall have the privilege to attend and take part in all the general meetings, conferences, lectures, discussions and professional demonstrations arranged through the SOCIETY. They would also receive a free/web copy of the scientific publications. They cannot apply for any post in the executive committee and propose or second any application for membership of the SOCIETY.

4.4 Corporate Members:

A representative of each corporate membership would be on a special technical committee of the SOCIETY. This committee would actively interact with the SOCIETY in the research and newer developments in simulation and its related equipment. They would be actively involved in various educational activities of the Society.

4.5 Termination of Membership:

If the conduct of any member, as deemed by the executive committee, is prejudicial to the interest of the SOCIETY or who deprives the SOCIETY of its rightful money shall be expelled from the SOCIETY. This should be approved by 2/3 majority of the members present at executive committee meeting, after the member has been given proper opportunity to defend himself. Such action of the executive committee is subject to ratification by not less than 2/3 rd of members present at the general body meeting of the SOCIETY.

5. Executive Committee:

The Executive Committee shall consist the following office bearers:

  1. Scientific Committee Chairman ... 1
  2. International President ... …1
  3. National President ... ... …1
  4. Vice – President ... ... …1
  5. Board of Directors ... … 5 to 20
  6. Hon. General Secretary ... ... 1
  7. Treasurer ... ... ... … 1
  8. Editor... ... ... … … 1
  9. Executive Member … … 9 -20

Permanent Advisory Board: Founder Committee will be permanent members of Advisory board.

Duties of Office Bearers of Executive Committee :

5.1 Scientific Committee Chairperson:

He/She will be the elected official of the society.

5.1.1 Eligibility :

  • Life member of TSS
  • Actively involved in Teaching and Training in medical education.
  • Should have high interest in academics.

5.1.2 Duties :

  • To organize and arrange the scientific content of annual meeting (once a year) and periodic scientific meetings. (once in 4 months)
  • To advise the institution branch holding the conference of the academic and scientific content of the presentations.
  • To advise the editor with the publications in newsletter.
  • iv. To advise the secretary and the team members about the nature of scientific proceedings of the organizations such that the academic pursuit of the Delhi branch of Cardiac Anesthesiology is of highest quality.

5.2 International President:

  • The duties of the International President shall be to provide leadership in planning and overseeing the activities of the society at international level and especially in the planning of the international meetings of the society and to help get international members from different countries
  • Primary task is to give the society strategic and operational advice on simulation and related topics and issues. Shall will have no role in funding decisions and will not become a conduit to those who do make such decisions – his/her role is different and must be distinct.
  • Shall operate in five primary domains.
  • The first is to advise on matters of simulation policy in areas where Executive Committee requests.

5.3 National President:

The President shall be nominated from amongst the members of the SOCIETY and the founder National President should have a standing of 6 years (2014 - 2020) in the parent body or the SOCIETY. He shall preside over the meetings of the executive committee and general body and regulate the proceedings. He shall guide the activities of the SOCIETY and further the aims and objectives of the SOCIETY. In his absence the vice-president shall officiate for him, failing which a member nominated at the meeting shall perform his duties.

5.3.1 Eligibility :

The president so elected shall be the life member of the The Simulation society and should be actively involved in teaching and training.

5.3.2 Duties:

  • Shall chair and regulate the working of the general body.
  • Shall chair and regulate the working of the executive council.
  • Shall present the annual report to the General body.
  • Shall preside over proceedings of the annual conference.
  • hall call upon midterm meeting as when called for.
  • Shall represent the society in government dealings
  • Shall be responsible for discipline of the society
  • Shall coordinate the activities and functions of the subcommittee if any.
  • Shall closely supervise the newsletter/bulletin activities (financial)
  • Shall closely coordinate the financiers of the association.
  • Shall perform such other duties as provided in the bylaws.

5.4 Vice – President:

The Vice-President shall be nominated from the members of the SOCIETY and the founder Vice-President should have a standing of 6 years (2014 - 2020) in the parent body or the SOCIETY. In the absence of the President, he shall perform the duties of the President. In addition, he will be entrusted with the responsibility for compiling all academic activities of the SOCIETY and at the end of the year submits a report during the annual conference of the SOCIETY. He should also liase with other societies Simulation for any constitutional lapses.

5.4.1 Duties:

  • will be responsible for the academic activities of the association
  • will be chairman of the scientific sessions of the annual conferences.
  • will closely oversee the activities of the newsletter/bulletin
  • will be responsible for the periodic release of the news bulletin in close co-operation with secretary.
  • will be the spokesperson for the scientific activities.
  • Will be directly responsible for the conduct of scientific proceedings of the annual conference.
  • Will be responsible for all the responsibilities of the president in case of vacancy of the presidential post. This term will be for the remaining period. This however will not debar him/her for the automatic elevation to the post of President in his own term.

5.4.2 Eligibility :

  • Eminent person who should have contribute greatly towards medical science.
  • Should be a life member of TSS & actively involved in Teaching and Training in medical education.

5.5 Board of Directors:

5.5.1 Eligibility:

The Board of Director shall be a member of the society. Should have a reputed name in contribution in his/her field, towards teaching and academics in the subject

5.5.2 Duties:

  • Determine mission and purpose. It is the board's responsibility to create and review a statement of mission and purpose that articulates the organization's goals, means, and primary constituents served.
  • Select the National/International Director. Boards must reach consensus on the National/international Director's responsibilities and undertake a careful search to find the most qualified individual for the position.
  • Support and evaluate the National/International Director. The board should ensure that the National/international Director has the moral and professional support he or she needs to further the goals of the organization.
  • Ensure effective planning. Boards must actively participate in an overall planning process and assist in implementing and monitoring the plan's goals.
  • Monitor and strengthen programs and services. The board's responsibility is to determine which programs are consistent with the organization's mission and monitor their effectiveness.
  • Ensure adequate financial resources. One of the board's foremost responsibilities is to secure adequate resources for the organization to fulfill its mission.
  • Protect assets and provide proper financial oversight. The board must assist in developing the annual budget and ensuring that proper financial controls are in place.
  • Build a competent board. All boards have a responsibility to articulate prerequisites for candidates, orient new members, and periodically and comprehensively evaluate their own performance.
  • Ensure legal and ethical integrity. The board is ultimately responsible for adherence to legal standards and ethical norms.
  • Enhance the organization's public standing. The board should clearly articulate the organization's mission, accomplishments, and goals to the public and garner support from the community.

5.6 General Secretary:

5.5.1 Eligibility:

The General Secretary shall be nominated from the members of the SOCIETY and the founder Secretary should have a standing of at 6 years (2014 - 2020) in the parent body or the SOCIETY. No person shall be secretary for more than one term, unless approved by executive committee under exceptional circumstances, and certainly not more than two terms.

5.6.1 Eligibility:

Should be a life member of TSS & actively involved in Teaching and Training in medical education.

5.6.2 Duties:

Subject to the control and regulation of the executive committee, the secretary will be responsible for carrying out the decisions of the executive committee and the affairs of the SOCIETY as laid down in the constitution. In particular, the secretary shall:

  • Shall serves as official correspondent of the association.
  • Shall directly and indirectly responsible for all the official matters of the association.
  • Will maintain the records of the membership of the association.
  • Will maintain close liaison between the various functionaries of the association.
  • Will be working in close association with the treasurer as a team.
  • Will maintain the laws and by laws of the association and changes as approved by general body meeting will be informed and ratified by the registrar of the society, Delhi.
  • Will arrange for midterm meetings if any in close liaison with the President.
  • On behalf of the President, he or she will be guiding the organizing secretary of the annual meets.
  • Will be keeping the members well informed with activities of the society through news letter in close association with Sr. VP.
  • Will send the notice for election of various posts in month of September through a news letter defining the eligibility criteria and tenure.
  • Will give due notice through news letter about the annual meets.
  • Will maintain the minutes of general body meeting.
  • Will present the report of the association at the general body meeting.
  • Will closely coordinate all the activities of the association.
  • On vacancy of Assoc VP (due to unforeseen circumstance) Shall will officiate as Assoc VP.
  • Will be the organizing chairperson of the scientific meeting and annual conference for a period of three years, along with the Head of department of the rotational institute involved in the annual conference for that year.
  • Will be the executive head of the association in activation, coordination of all activities of the association
  • To maintain an attendance register of the conference
  • To maintain attendance register of the general body meeting.
  • To issue eligibility slip for voters clearing election.
  • To arrange for conduct of elections.

5.7 Treasurer :

The founder treasurer shall be proposed by the Secretary and nominated by the EC for a term of 6 years (2014 - 2020). The treasurer shall receive all moneys relating to the SOCIETY and deposit them in respective accounts in banks to the credit of an account kept in the name of the SOCIETY.

5.5.1 Eligibility:

Should be a life member of TSS & actively involved in Teaching and Training in medical education.

5.7.2 Duties:

  • Collect all dues to the SOCIETY and pay in all amounts into the banking accounts of the SOCIETY.
  • Make disbursements within the limits of the annual budget and maintain vouchers and records of all such disbursements.
  • The balance sheet, accounts and audited report shall be submitted at the time of annual meeting of the executive committee and the general body.
  • Any change of office bearers should be notified to the banks as per banking laws
  • All cheques will be jointly signed by the treasurer and the secretary / president.
  • As a treasurer of the association it is his responsibility to maintain a record of receipts and expense of the society, duly audited by internal auditors (Asso VP) and chartered account.
  • Shall present the duly audited account at the General body meeting.
  • Financial year is 01 April to 31 March.
  • Shall maintain the account of all donations and gifts.
  • Shall submit the receipt of subscription by members of the association.
  • In case of unforeseen vacancy in treasurer the responsibility will be taken over by the secretary till a suitable arrangement is made by the president.

5.8 Editor :

The Founder editor of the journal/newsletter of the SOCIETY shall hold office for a period of 6 years (2014 - 2020). After 2025, the tenure will be of 2 years and He should have a standing of 2 years in the parent body or the SOCIETY and served on the executive committee for a minimum term of 2 years. He should have published minimum 5 full length articles as first author in indexed journals. He shall be an active participant in the academic activities of the SOCIETY. He shall be responsible for all the publications of the SOCIETY. He will also coordinate with the Editors of the Journal of the other societies of Simulation.

5.8.1 Eligibility

  • Life member
  • Actively associated with all activities of the association
  • Shall should be faculty member or preferably head of the dept of a large hospital or institution actively involved in cardiac thoracic work (Corporate/private/Govt. Hospital)
  • Should be academically of high standing with at least twenty publications in indexed newsletter/bulletins credited to him/her.

5.8.2 Duties:

  • To receive article for publication from member delegates or others interested in the field of cardiac anaesthesia.
  • To seek review articles from eminent specialist in the field of cardiac anaesthesia and allied subject
  • To publish the newsletter/bulletin regularly
  • To issue the newsletter/bulletin to members delegates
  • To receive the advertisements, donations and gifts for the newsletter/bulletin.
  • To interact with Sr VP for any guidance if deemed necessary.
  • To seek help from Assoc VP regarding finance.
  • To submit the audited account of the newsletter/bulletin fund duly audited by Assoc VP and CA.

5.9 Executive Committee Members :

  • Officers of the Society together with minimum 7 members along with immediate past president shall constitute executive committee of the Society.
  • Tenure of the executive committee be ordinarily one Society year.
  • The executive committee is vested with the general administration and shall conduct the affairs in conformity with the constitution.
  • E.C. shall exercise general control and supervision over the officers.
  • E.C. shall scrutinize all proposals for membership and elect accordingly.
  • E.C. shall recommend from time to time the rate of subscription to different categories of membership.
  • E.C. shall determine the size of the secretary’s contingency fund and treasurer’s contingency fund.
  • E.C. shall frame bylaws for the smooth functioning of the Society and take steps to delete or add rules and regulations in accordance with prescribed procedure.
  • E.C. may withdraw the privileges of the membership
  • Without prejudice to the G.B. the E.C. may exercise Powers as under.
    • To appoint committees, commissions sub committees, and delegate certain functions and powers as may be necessary.
    • To nominate full members of the Society to the editorial board.
    • To purchase, hire, take on lease or build, hold land buildings machineries, plants, furniture’s, vehicles, books and other movable and immovable properties that may be found necessary or advantageous to the Society, for and in the name of the Society, and to sell, rent lease or mortgage any such property for the benefit of the Society.
    • To receive grants, funds by membership fees, donations, subscriptions and any other benefactions in the name of the Society.
    • To constitute trusts, foundations or to create endowments for specific activity funds of the Society and to invest the part of funds of the Society in such securities and in such manner as may be deemed beneficial to the interest of the Society.
    • To issue certificates, diplomas, or to give prize awards or confer honours.
    • To engage officials or other staff persons paid or honorary as may be found necessary the affairs of the Society.
  • Executive committee with approval of the general body may borrow guarantee raise or procure money from finance institutions for carrying on the activities of the Society.
  • The executive committee shall meet atleast twice in a year and at least 24 hours prior to the commencement of the general body meeting.
  • The E.C. or any of its members shall not be held responsible for the damage to or loss of any property or funds of the Society incurred as a result of action taken in good faith.
  • Shall fill up the vacancies in the executive committee caused by the death or removal from office.

5.9.1 Powers and Functions of the Executive Committee

The management of the SOCIETY shall be vested in the executive committee, who in addition to the powers by these rules expressly conferred upon them may exercise all such powers and do all such acts and things, as may be exercised or done by the SOCIETY and are not hereby or by law expressed directly or required to be exercised or done by the SOCIETY in general body meeting. Without prejudice to the general powers hereby conferred, the executive committee shall have the following powers, that is to say, power:

  • Executive committee shall direct and regulate the general affairs of the SOCIETY and shall, subject to confirmation at a general body meeting, have power to frame rules and bye-laws for the conduct of business at meetings and conference of the SOCIETY.
  • The executive committee shall have the power to form sub committees as and when necessary.
  • The executive committee shall meet at such times as may be necessary for transacting the business of the SOCIETY but should be at least two times a year. One meeting will be held at the time of annual conference before the annual general meeting. The notice of such a meeting shall be dispatched to each member of the committee at least 3 weeks before the meeting.
  • The secretary shall call for a meeting of the executive committee with the consent of the president if a special meeting is requested in writing by not less than 6 members of the committee.
  • Quorum for the executive committee meeting shall be 6 members of the committee. If there is no quorum within 10 minutes at the time when meeting is called, the meeting concerned upon the requisition of the members under (d) shall stand dissolved and in any other case shall stand adjourned for 10 minutes in the same place. At such in an adjourned meeting, members may transact the business for which the meeting was called.
  • The executive committee may appoint or dismiss such staff as may be found necessary to manage the work efficiently.
  • To borrow and secure the payment of any sum or sums of money for the purpose of the SOCIETY.
  • To institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the SOCIETY.
  • ) To acquire by purchase, lease or otherwise, for the SOCIETY, rights or privileges which the SOCIETY is authorized to acquire at any such price and generally on such terms and conditions as they may think fit.
  • To direct the secretary to carry out the general affairs of the SOCIETY.
  • The executive committee shall ordinarily function for two years or till the new executive committee duly formed will take over.
  • It shall guide the activities of the editor and the editorial board.
6. Nomination Office – Bearers Of Executive Committee :

The nomination of the new executive committee members will be made every two years. The recommendation will be made by the outgoing executive committee and approved in GBM. The criteria of nomination will be the credentials of the member based on his /her seniority and academic contribution to the SOCIETY.

7. General Body Meeting (GBM)

A. The GBM will be held every year at the time of Annual Conference./ academic meeting. The day, time and venue will be fixed by the executive committee. The notice and the agenda for the GBM shall be communicated by the HQ at least 30 days in advance of the date fixed for the meeting. The business to be transacted at the Annual General Body Meeting shall be:

  • Apologies
  • Condolences
  • To receive and adopt the annual report of the SOCIETY and the journal for the past year
  • Minutes of the last Annual General Body Meeting
  • Matters arising out of the minutes
  • To receive and adopt the audited accounts of the SOCIETY and the journal
  • To declare the nominations of the new office bearers of the executive committee
  • To appoint an auditor and fix up his remuneration
  • To decide the venue of the of the annual conference of next two years and appoint chairman and secretary of the organizing committee
  • To transact such other business as should or may be brought up at GBM
  • Consider any other business brought forward by and with the consent of the President
  • Installation of office bearers.

B. Special General Body Meeting
A special general body meeting may be called by the secretary if:

  • Requisition is made in writing by at least 10% of the valid members of the SOCIETY
  • Authorized by the executive committee to discuss the emergency agendum

C. Quorum of General Body Meetings
25 members shall form the quorum for a general body meeting. If at the time appointed for the general body meeting there is no quorum, the meeting shall stand adjourned for 5 minutes at the very same time and place of the meeting. After this the meeting shall start. The quorum for a special general body meeting under (B) shall comprise of 15 members.

8. Executive Committee Meeting

The Committee shall meet at least three times in a year. One meeting will be held before GBM during the annual conference of SOCIETY. The notice of the meeting shall be communicated to each individual member of the committee at least 3 weeks before the meeting. Statement of accounts of the SOCIETY and the journal shall be placed in the meeting. The agenda of the meeting will be made in consultation with the President. The other two meetings can be scheduled as per requirements. Quorum of the Committee Meeting: 6 members shall form a quorum at a meeting of the executive committee. In case there is no quorum an adjourned meeting will be held at the same place on the same day 5 minutes later.

9. conferences (attached as annexure - 1 )
  • An annual scientific conference shall be held every year by the SOCIETY.
  • The scientific program will earlier be scrutinized by the scientific council of the SOCIETY, chaired by the Scientific Committee Chairman.
  • The audited financial statement of the annual conference shall be submitted to the executive committee and the next general body meeting.
10. Credential Committee

The credential committee will consist of President, Vice President and the Hon. General Secretary. The tenure of office will be 2 years, the year being counted from the annual general meeting. The committee shall scrutinize all applications for membership and send their recommendations to the General Secretary prior to final approval by the executive committee

11. Amendment And Repeal

The members of the general body meeting shall have the power to add, vary or repeal any of the provisions in the constitution and the procedure shall be as follows:
Notification of the proposal of any amendment must be sent to the general secretary of the SOCIETY. If approved by the executive committee, it will be placed before the annual general meeting, when it will be discussed. The motion shall be approved and passed only if it obtains at least 2 / 3 majority at the general body meeting. If approved as above, the changes become active forthwith. The secretary shall circulate the approved amendment.

12. Re-Admission:

In case, any member of the Society is expelled by the Governing Body on the reason of Non-Payment of the subscription, he can be re-admitted, provided the member concerned pays all up to Date dues with the permission of the Governing Body.

13. Elections :

Elections will be held post 2010 for the post of Vice President (1) and Executive council members (5)


Elections shall be held annually after 2020, facilitated by the Society’s administration/management with oversight by the National President, General Secretary and the Executive member Committee.


Nominations Committee shall prepare a slate of qualified nominees to be presented for ratification by the Executive Committee. The slate must account for all possible outcomes to ensure proper compliance with Society bylaws.

13.3. Electoral Process:


Nominees may be self-nominated and proposed by two active and current members of the Society.


Nominees must declare their primary Profession and Specialty.


Elections must be complete by Nov 30 of a Calendar year unless waived by a majority vote of the Board of Directors


The process for nominations for elected position shall be posted on the Society’s website for a minimum of thirty (30) calendar days.


The electoral process shall be conducted in accordance with policies and procedures approved by the Board of Directors.


Polling shall be conducted through the TSS website for a minimum period of thirty (30) days.


Active Members of the Society shall elect Vice president and Executive Council Members, as determined by the Board of Directors


The Nominations Committee will report to the Executive Committee the results of the electoral process. Candidates receiving the highest number of votes for a given position shall be declared elected after ratification by the Executive Committee. In the event of a tie vote for the position of vice-president, there shall be a second balloting of the Society's active members.


A candidate for an elected position who is currently a member of the Board of Directors and who is not elected shall continue to serve the remaining un-expired years of the original term.


Any Board of Directors who are elected or appointed as Society Officers shall have their un-expired terms of office filled by appointment by the National President with consultation of the executive committee.

14. Appeals :

All the appeals shall be referred to General Body. Decision of General Body shall be final. The decision of the General Body shall be communicated to the member concerned.

15. Filling Up Of Casual Vacancies:

Any casual vacancy, amongst office bearers & executive members of Governing Body, shall be filled by the resolution passed by the Governing Body. Such appointment(s) shall be confirmed by the General Body in its coming General Body Meeting and decision of The President is Final.

16. Branches & Sub-Committees :

Governing Body, in its meeting, shall form the Sub-Committees for Education and formation of a college within 5 years of starting the Association and other superspeciality topics related to cardiac anaesthesia, to attain the aims and objects of the society to attain the Aims and Objects of the Society.

17. Sources Of Income:

All the income of Society (received from all sources) shall be utilized only for the promotion/upliftment of Aims and Objects. Sources of Income of Society are: - Admission Fee for courses and examinations, Subscription from members of Society, Donations and Special Contributions etc.

17. Sources Of Income:

All the income of Society (received from all sources) shall be utilized only for the promotion/upliftment of Aims and Objects. Sources of Income of Society are: - Admission Fee for courses and examinations, Subscription from members of Society, Donations and Special Contributions etc.

18. Financial Year:

Financial year shall be from 1st Day of April to 31st March, every year.

19. Financers :

A. Funds of the Society shall comprise of

  • Subscription collected from members
  • Donations from public
  • Any other grants, if any, from Govt.
  • Subscription collected from members
  • The scientific proceedings maybe sponsored by the sponsors from Industry or the host institution.

B. Financial year of the Society shall be from 1st April to 31st March of next year.

20. Management Of Funds & Accounts Operation:

Entire amount shall be kept in any Bank(s), where the Governing Body/General Body may decide from time to time. Bank Accounts shall be operated by Joint Signatures of any two office bearers from PRESIDENT, GENERAL SECRETARY and TREASURER.

21. Audit :

Accounts of Society shall be audited by qualified auditor (C.A.) every year.

22. Administration Of The Association

For administration purpose the G B will elect the following at the annual GBM

a) Office Bearers :Scientific Committee Chairperson, Assoc. VP, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor

b) Executive council comprising of office from each major hospital of Delhi, dealing with Cardiac Anesthesia. 9 in number.

c) Chair: National President will chair all the meetings.

d) Ex office members: Immediate past president(s) and immediate past secretary.s

23. Professional Activities Of The Association

a) Purpose: Shall plan, direct and administer the education and scientific activities of the Society – Other Simulation Societies and chapters and any other workshop or updates organized by different institution/society. It is incumbent on the part of the affiliates to interact with scientific council in all such matters.

b) Composition :

  • Chief Advisor
  • Scientific Committee Chairman
  • International President
  • National President
  • Vice President
  • Board of Directors
  • Hon. General Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Editor

c) Proceeding of the meetings: The Local organizing chairperson will submit the report of scientific activities to the secretary within two months of such meets.

d) Abstracts of paper will be submitted to the editor through the secretary for publication in the newsletter/bulletin.

24. Newsletter/Bulletins
  • The primary objective of the association is to disseminate knowledge among the members through regular publication of scientific articles, review articles and abstracts etc.
  • omposition: Editor in chief assisted by his team and the editorial board.
25. CME/Workshop/Refresher Courses

Member delegates are free to organize such scientific meets with the concurrence of the scientific council. Such scientific activities should preferably be held in the middle of the year and should not clash with the annual conference of the society. Care should be taken that it does not become parallel to the annual conference.

26. Dissolution :
  • If Society needs to be dissolved, it shall be dissolved as per-provisions laid down under the Sec. 13 & 14 of “SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, OF 1860”, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.
  • (b) If upon the winding up or dissolution of the society there remains after satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of society, but shall be given or transferred to some other society, having similar objects like this society, to be determined by the members of the society at or before the time of dissolution.
27. Legal Proceedings:

Society may sue and/or be sued in the name of President and/or Secretary as per provisions laid down under Sec. 6 of the “SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, OF 1860”, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.

28. Annual List Of Governing Body :

Society may sue and/or be sued in the name of President and/or Secretary as per provisions laid down under Sec. 6 of the “SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, OF 1860”, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi.

29. Application Of The Act :

All the provisions under all the Sections of “SOCIETIES REGISTRATION ACT, OF 1860”, as applicable to National Capital Territory of Delhi, shall be applicable to this Society.

30. Essential Certificate :

Certified that it is the correct copy of the Rules and Regulations of the SOCIETY.